a podcast on a mission to normalize going no contact with toxic family

First things first, are you in crisis? start here:

Welcome to a podcast that is not going to tell you to fix it

You have read the books, set boundaries, cried for change, and you were left with no choice but to preserve your peace and the peace of your children by going no contact with your toxic family.
Going no contact is not a trend. It does not mean you gave up, and it does not mean you are a villain. It is a brave and bold decision to realize your worth and stop emotional abuse (even if they are family.)
This community is for anyone who refuses to return for more shit just because they are family.


A podcast on a mission to normalize going no contact with toxic family. narcissistic mothers.
toxic family podcasts narcissism


Hi! I am a mom of 5 and married to the love of my life who continues to heal my soul. I love my babies, my bestie, the beach, all things Vizsla and champagne. I am messy, imperfect, broken but healing and estranged from my entire family. But, I have my peace, and my sweet family of creatures God created and gifted me with.

What defines me? My character.

What doesn't define me? The toxic family that I came from.

So, why create a podcast and talk about my no contact journey with my toxic family?

Because literally everyone  kept saying things to me like:

"But it's your mom!"

"How can you NOT talk to your family."

"You will regret it when they die!"

"You cut off your family, your kids will do the same thing to you."

Ok Sharon.

What does 'character outs' even mean?

"Character outs, character always outs."
A phrase my covert narcissistic mother would use at nauseam to describe anyone she didn't like, which, let's be honest, was just about everyone. Character outs, meaning everyone will reveal their true character in time. What poetic irony that it was my mother's true character that finally came out, and it was not pretty.
So..I have a covert passive-aggressive narcissistic mother, an ass-hole dad, and bonus..a toxic enabling, alcoholic stepmom PLUS a golden child brother! yaaaayyyy!!! I won the toxic family jackpot!
I finally woke up, realized my worth, and went no contact with all of them. When I did, though, I found that the societal perceptions associated with going no contact with toxic family members, well, SUCKED! I felt like a terrible person.

What is my mission?

To normalize going  (and staying) no contact with toxic family, breaking toxic generational cycles, validating those who are in the sea of no contact and remind them to keep walking. The Character Outs Podcast was created to empower anyone feeling lost, alone, and like the villain for walking away from their toxic family. This no contact journey has its ups and downs, and we talk about all of it.

character outs podcast


Season 2 of the Character Outs Podcast will be dropping on March 18th and one of the new things you will see is...THE BLOG!

Here we will chat more in depth about the latest episode of the podcast, share relevant resources and further discuss this no contact with toxic family journey.

So, I love cooking, baking and trying new cocktail recipes. Being in the kitchen is a cathartic activity for me. Whether you love to cook or just have to eat, I got you. I have some delicious and easy recipes and thought it would be a fun way to connect as a community. Speaking of community, if you aren't a part of the Character Outs Instagram community, get over there and hit follow.

the latest


Would you like to be a guest on The Character Outs Podcast? I would love to hear from you! 


For so long we were told things like: it didn’t happen like you remember, it wasn’t that bad, you’re being so dramatic, or get a grip. You were probably also told to be quiet, don’t speak bad about the family (what, are we in a Godfather movie?)


Well, those days are over, and your story has the potential to resonate with someone who is also trying to navigate their way through these emotional no contact waters. Your story just may be the validation they need to hear in order to heal and keep walking.


Looking forward to connecting with you.

wannna chat?

This no contact journey is rough. One moment we are feeling peaceful and happy, and the next, we are in the pits of despair wondering how the hell we are going to make it through. Being no contact with toxic family will never feel 'normal' but it does get easier.

I am not a therapist, mental health counselor or even a coach. I am simply a former daughter and former sister who has survived a toxic family and is now nagivating my way through this no contact journey.

Consider me a friend who gets it.

I am developing several 'chats,' but until then, I want to be here for you.

Do you need advice like NOW on an issue pertaining to your toxic family? I got you. 

*Please know, this call is NOT for those who are having suicidal ideations, in crisis, or having thoughts of harming themselves. If you are in crisis, there is help and you are not alone. Please call 988 for 24/7 confidential, crisis and emotional support.

Outside the U.S. visit:

https://findahelpline.com/  to find crisis resources in any country.


"Thank you! It was so wonderful to speak with you. Thank you for offering your time. I felt it was great to connect with someone who had experience similar experiences as me and to feel you're not alone. You made me feel comfortable to express my experiences."


character Outs merch is now available!!

The Character Outs Podcast shop on Etsy will have snarky, encouraging and fun merch that will keep us 'villains' united on this no contact journey. 

10% of net profits will be donated to CPTSD Foundation, click the logo below to learn more:

Check out all Character Outs Podcast merch here:


favorite reads right now

Incase no one has told you:  it's not you,
never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone


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